If you’ve noticed flying insects around your property, you might be wondering whether you’re dealing with wasps or bees. While both insects can sting, they have distinct characteristics and behaviors....
When it comes to household pests, carpenter ants often rank high on the list of concerns for homeowners. While these ants don’t eat wood like termites, their ability to create...
If you’ve spotted large insects around your property, you might be wondering whether you’re dealing with June bugs or cockroaches. While both these insects can be unwelcome visitors, they have...
Rats are among the most invasive and destructive creatures homeowners can face. Their ability to infiltrate homes, spread diseases, and cause extensive property damage makes them a top concern for...
Have you ever wondered what happens to flies during winter? While these pesky insects are a common nuisance in warmer months, they seem to disappear when temperatures drop. Do they...
How To Identify Bed Bugs Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that live near humans and feed off human blood while they are sleeping. Living with a bed bug infestation can...
Signs Of A Cockroach Infestation Cockroaches are nocturnal insects which can make it hard to see roaches in action. They will seek out dark, moist areas in your house and...
Poisonous Spiders of the U.S.—What You Need To Know Most of the spiders that you find in your home are not poisonous, but it is important to educate yourself about...
What Is The Common Household Fly Picnics, grilling and eating out on the deck are a great way to enjoy the summer months and something most of us look forward...
Mosquito Bites: Facts and Tips The presence of mosquitoes in the summer is annoying and their bites are even more irritating. Mosquitoes feed on nectar and plant juices. Adult female...
† The creator of this review received compensation by RMICPA, LLC on behalf of Terminix®. This review is the opinion of its creator and its claims are not endorsed or evaluated by RMICPA, LLC.
1/* - Treatments and Covered Pests defined in your Plan. Limitations apply. See Plan for Details
2 - SAVE $50 on a Terminix® Pest Control Plan or $50 OFF pest control: Offer valid only at participating locations. Single-family dwelling units only. Requires purchase of a new annual residential pest control plan. Offer may not be combined with other offers, bundled service offerings or discounts. Additional limitations apply. Not valid for existing pest control customers. Offer expires 12.31.2020.
3 - $50 OFF Quick Guard® Mosquito Service: Offer valid only at participating locations. Single-family dwelling units only. Requires purchase of an annual Mosquito Service Agreement. Offer may not be combined with other offers or discounts. Additional limitations apply. See agreement for details. NOT AVAILABLE IN NY, VT, NH AND PORTIONS OF CT. Offer expires 12.31.2020
4 - Save 10% on a termite plan+: Offer valid only at participating locations. Single-family dwelling units only. Offer may not be combined with any other offers or discounts. Discount applies to purchase of new annual termite treatment plans only; discount does not apply to Dual Advantage Protection Plans, bundled service offerings or termite coverage plans. Additional limitations apply. Not valid for existing termite customers. Offer expires 12/31/2020.
# - Exclusive web offer only. This product is not sponsored by, endorsed or affiliated with Terminix®